Sunday, December 16, 2007

Oh good grief!

Good news is that my computer works again. Bad news is that in order to get it to work Mike had to dump everything. All my pictures, all my documents, my favorites. Now don't get me wrong, I'm so very glad I have my computer back. But I did the really intelligent thing and promptly forgot all my passwords after setting all my favorite links to "remember me".

So just so you know, that won't be happening again. The next week or so, I'll be making a paper list of links and passwords. So if I complain of forgetting passwords again after this week, somebody smack me with a "go get yer list, woman".

Well anyway so the last couple days I have gotten quite a few things done. Mike found his way to a Goodwill on his way home and found an almost brand new 2 room tent. Mike and I function best in the woods. Or after we have spent time in the woods. Its one thing we share that bonded us, sort of. In the early stages of our relationship(hush, we were legal adults) we went camping as often as we could. These was days before we used cell phones or computers. Other people did but we didn't. If we could have a cabin in the middle of 5 wooded acres, within an hour of everything we and our kids need, we would be happy beyond words. In my neck of the woods, 5 acres will cost you a pretty penny and there's no home owner's association in the world that would let you build anything less than a McMansion on said 5 acre's.

Little bear is still fighting a head cold, sweet girl is heading it off at the pass and we got snow. Some of it is iced over, but for the most part its just slush. I haven't checked to see what our weather holds. I hope its good for a couple more days because I have a few more things to do before Christmas Eve. Mike won't be back until then, and I don't even have the tree put up yet.

Anything going on? I've missed coming here. Hope to see you all soon!


lowderra2 said...

Get your list woman!

Anyway, I understand the urge to chuck it all and head for the hills, but if you lived out in the middle of the woods you'd miss out on all those lovely contagious diseases! C'mon confess - you want to live in the city with the rest of us, nice and close by with all of the little kids in school with constantly running noses.....

I am glad K is starting special ed preschool in January - it's just what she needs IMO - but I know it'll be Snot R Us for most of the year.....I'm still in denial at this point, hoping my regular weekly donations of hand sanitizer and liquid hand soap and kleenex to her teacher will make a difference. Yeah right.

*note to self, order truckload of benedryl and tylenol....*

Thursday's Child said...

Either they're sick or amazingly healthy. Emile was homeschooled until we moved to Lebanon. After starting school there I was surprised that he didn't pick up more germs. He was pretty healthy the whole time. He did get pneumonia once and chicken pox once and a stomach bug, but he was perfectly healthy the rest of the time. And he only missed 2-3 days of school with those. When he got sick he did it with panache, but it was hard to get him sick though.