Sunday, May 4, 2008

Where have I been

...I can't believe I have ignored this for so long. Sorry about that. We have been busy with this or that, and for the most part, I have been lazy.:)

Right now were doing end of the school year stuff, including a Spring concert for dd and IEP meetings and visits to a new school for ds. Sweet girl was so cute, I sat down in front on the floor to get a good picture and she wouldn't smile so I started making faces at her...yes she smiled...and eventually wouldn't look at me at all.:) When they are on stage they aren't supposed to wave or talk to the audience...just smile. So I did what I do best...aggravate her. She told me later she thought it was funny.
Ds has his case conference. I'm not a happy momma. We want him removed from this school and go to the local school and they are trying to make it difficult. The school they suggested I visit uses restraint and a "time out room" for discipline. That is wrong on so many levels. Thankfully ds's Behavioral Therapist agrees with my concerns and ds won't be attending there.


We have had something like 26 tremors. I think that's what the paper said. Anyway a couple weeks back we had a huge 5 pointer. It shook the house and dh and I were nervous Nelly's for a couple days. Most of the tremors are 2 and 3 point somethings and eventually no one felt them, or they were in the middle of the night and we all slept thru them. The base is the New Madrid fault, over in Ill. We have towns near by with 100-ish yr old buildings and they saw some damage. This has become active, the scientist are telling us, and now the media is telling us that "the big one" is in the works. Could be tomorrow, could be next week, or in 60 years. Don't you just love the drama? I mean really?!!? Just inform people of the risks, teach them what they need to know and leave it alone already. They can't be predicted in enough time to do anything anyway. I think the news said it took less than 5 seconds from the quake in the fault to reach us in Indiana.

Well. Life has been so busy the last week that I'm behind on housework. That and my computer died, so dh and FIL created one for me. Its a different laptop where the monitor doesn't work, hooked into a table top monitor(emachine, TV size, LOL). I don't care, long as it works.:)

That's about it for now, I'm off to tackle Mt Laundry. Have a good Sunday!!

1 comment:

Thursday's Child said...

Sounds like your daughter had a blast. I'm glad you were able to get your son where you want him to be.

Any chance of being promoted to another computer soon? LOL