Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Last day of school

I'm so excited! I like having my kids home with me and summer vacation just started today at 1:00 technically, but we had an IEP so we didn't get out till 2:30. It seems they *finally* agree with me, and think brother bear is stressed out at *that* school and its not my fault. Moms always get blamed don't they? Well guess what happened? He came into the local school for visits and had no issues adjusting whatsoever. I'm really hoping this placement works out because our other two options are not so appealing.

Sister bear got Honor Roll again! We're so proud of her. She fell behind this year because her classroom was just too loud. She can't keep up in a crowded noisy environment. I didn't realize the other class was the polar opposite or I would have moved her. Next year I'll keep better tabs, now that we know what works and what doesn't. She gave up a few recesses(working while it was quiet) to catch up and then got a bug keeping her out of school. So, she was behind again two weeks before school was out. She did catch up, and her lowest grade is a B-. She can work hard when she needs to.

Weather guy says its supposed to thunderstorm tonight, but we'll see. They have been wrong before(often) and anymore its all a big guess. Until the town storm siren goes off I don't take anything to heart.

Plans for the summer? We don't have any. Outside of therapy for brother bear in the next town, possibly swimming lessons if we can swing it, its all bikes, park and library time. All things we can do in town. Gas is $4.02 a gallon and I'm saving it for dire emergencies. Now that school is out we can do more walking, and be out later in the evening because they don't have to be up at 6:30 again until August. Woo Hoo!

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