Thursday, May 29, 2008

Nice quiet house

Kids in bed, dogs resting from a full day romping in the grass. Dh on his computer and me on mine. Headphones in our ears, surfing the net. When I was younger this kind of night would have been a nightmare. Ahh how life changes.

I'm feeling better, thanks for all who asked. The Ibuprofen worked so much better and I only had to take it once. Those type of headaches just grab ahold of me and shake me like a dog. It's not much fun. I'll try Ibuprofen first next time.

Gas went down! Dh is working across the state line and its down to $3.89! whooohooo! Isn't it sad that we are excited for it to be that high? I just wonder what will happen to gas prices as the election comes closer. Who takes credit for it, who promises to keep it that low if we just elect them. I have given up stuff I really don't want to because of this recent economy adventure. Its not going to get much better, so we may as all get used to it. For the same reson they flavor kid's medicine, this stuff is hard to swallow.

How have you been today?

Isnt it funny

.....when you come face to face with a developmental disability you start to see it in other people? After our son was dx'd with Autism we started doing research and one day I realized I could trace autism like traits back 4 generations in my mothers family. I started coming to grips with the genetic form of autism long before some medical report came out to say hey look was we found. If you think about it, we all have one trait or another. I can remember being the awkward kid in class, not having the ability to make friends or understand social cues, not fitting into a mold and not being one of those follow the crowd kind of kids. But back then, that was just the *awkward preteen* stage. It didn't make it any easier to deal with.

Now brother bear has some very dominant traits, whereas his sister has some very passive ones. So passive that she has control of most of them, and we can talk her thru the rest. Its so odd that if you carry something in your genes and only a select few are passed down. Why is Nicole so higher functioning and Hunter is not? Why did God choose things the way they are? Only time will tell.

I have such a huge headache today its hard to think. I just finished a round of ZPac so I can't get another one for 2 weeks. I just took some Ibuprofen because the Excedrin Sinus Headache wore off too quick. the only thing that helps is lay down very still and since the kids are up and moving I don't think that's a good idea.

Well. You all have a nice day! I really need to get moving.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My settings are off


There are a couple places where I change my settings every time I reboot because they go back to default or something. I really need to change them permanently because these settings don't allow me to go into a couple boards I frequent. Its driving me crazy.

The weather cooled off really nice. I don't know how long it will last but I am glad to not be sticky with sweat and have irritable children to boot.

Speaking of children, today is their first official day of summer vacation. It actually feels like Saturday, we haven't gotten used to the time off yet. Already sister bear is finding brother bear's triggers and picking a fight. Its not even noon for pete's sake. We are taking this week to unwind and gear up for a yard week starts the official summer routine. I'll let you know what that is soon as I make a list.

Daily pet peeve.

Well they sent a robot to Mars. While I know how important it is, it seems like a waste right now. Think about it for just a second. Gas is over $4 a gallon. We have families going without decent food, schools who can't pay their teachers living wages and families without medical insurance. The government is putting a lot of money into the Space program, how many families could get insurance for an 1/3 of that money? Right now schools are getting out for the summer, and for many of those kids the school breakfast/lunch program is the only regular meals they get. What are they doing over the summer?
Now there's an argument about the parents/guardians should just get a job. There was a report on the news about our high number or out of work teenagers because laid off adults are taking all the jobs. Our minimum wage goes to $6.55 in July, it won't even be $7 until next summer. Can you imagine paying your bills and feeding your family on less than $7 an hour? I know it can be done, however with the housing market in the pits, adults having to take huge pay cuts and even teenagers not able to work spending money to visit Mars seems a bit excessive.
Taking classes to better yourself is an option. If you're lucky(and smart, and get financial aid) you can get out of community college in 3 semesters or less, but then you still have to find a job. However in the meantime, things need taking care of.

Yes the world is a mess. I can't say its a surprise tho, people have been predicting stuff like this for a while now. Its just getting used to the way things are getting our butts in gear and making permanent changes. But that whole Mars thing just rubs me raw when there are so many other important things.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Last day of school

I'm so excited! I like having my kids home with me and summer vacation just started today at 1:00 technically, but we had an IEP so we didn't get out till 2:30. It seems they *finally* agree with me, and think brother bear is stressed out at *that* school and its not my fault. Moms always get blamed don't they? Well guess what happened? He came into the local school for visits and had no issues adjusting whatsoever. I'm really hoping this placement works out because our other two options are not so appealing.

Sister bear got Honor Roll again! We're so proud of her. She fell behind this year because her classroom was just too loud. She can't keep up in a crowded noisy environment. I didn't realize the other class was the polar opposite or I would have moved her. Next year I'll keep better tabs, now that we know what works and what doesn't. She gave up a few recesses(working while it was quiet) to catch up and then got a bug keeping her out of school. So, she was behind again two weeks before school was out. She did catch up, and her lowest grade is a B-. She can work hard when she needs to.

Weather guy says its supposed to thunderstorm tonight, but we'll see. They have been wrong before(often) and anymore its all a big guess. Until the town storm siren goes off I don't take anything to heart.

Plans for the summer? We don't have any. Outside of therapy for brother bear in the next town, possibly swimming lessons if we can swing it, its all bikes, park and library time. All things we can do in town. Gas is $4.02 a gallon and I'm saving it for dire emergencies. Now that school is out we can do more walking, and be out later in the evening because they don't have to be up at 6:30 again until August. Woo Hoo!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Where have I been

...I can't believe I have ignored this for so long. Sorry about that. We have been busy with this or that, and for the most part, I have been lazy.:)

Right now were doing end of the school year stuff, including a Spring concert for dd and IEP meetings and visits to a new school for ds. Sweet girl was so cute, I sat down in front on the floor to get a good picture and she wouldn't smile so I started making faces at her...yes she smiled...and eventually wouldn't look at me at all.:) When they are on stage they aren't supposed to wave or talk to the audience...just smile. So I did what I do best...aggravate her. She told me later she thought it was funny.
Ds has his case conference. I'm not a happy momma. We want him removed from this school and go to the local school and they are trying to make it difficult. The school they suggested I visit uses restraint and a "time out room" for discipline. That is wrong on so many levels. Thankfully ds's Behavioral Therapist agrees with my concerns and ds won't be attending there.


We have had something like 26 tremors. I think that's what the paper said. Anyway a couple weeks back we had a huge 5 pointer. It shook the house and dh and I were nervous Nelly's for a couple days. Most of the tremors are 2 and 3 point somethings and eventually no one felt them, or they were in the middle of the night and we all slept thru them. The base is the New Madrid fault, over in Ill. We have towns near by with 100-ish yr old buildings and they saw some damage. This has become active, the scientist are telling us, and now the media is telling us that "the big one" is in the works. Could be tomorrow, could be next week, or in 60 years. Don't you just love the drama? I mean really?!!? Just inform people of the risks, teach them what they need to know and leave it alone already. They can't be predicted in enough time to do anything anyway. I think the news said it took less than 5 seconds from the quake in the fault to reach us in Indiana.

Well. Life has been so busy the last week that I'm behind on housework. That and my computer died, so dh and FIL created one for me. Its a different laptop where the monitor doesn't work, hooked into a table top monitor(emachine, TV size, LOL). I don't care, long as it works.:)

That's about it for now, I'm off to tackle Mt Laundry. Have a good Sunday!!