Sunday, March 9, 2008

While the house is quiet

I am at my dh's computer blogging. The boy is playing games on my computer quietly, dh is snoring on the couch and dd is still in bed.

We change our clocks today. I forgot. I was filling the crock, saw the clock on the microwave, then came in here to sit only to see the computer clock had jumped ahead an hour. I thought to myself, how long was I in the kitchen anyway, and then I remembered. OY. Its too early.
Mandy the beagle is sick. We really don't know what is wrong with her but if it continues she'll be at the vet. She is a very sweet girl, we would hate to loose her. We might need to change her food. She is acting like she has a cold. Sneezing and throwing up(not constant, but enough). Her nose was warm yesterday, haven't checked her today.She is eating and drinking so, that's a plus.

We are going to work on the kid's rooms today. Its not pretty, LOL. Dd's is almost done and then we need to start on his. This all next week, I'm going to be culling toys and organizing what we keep. Then maybe next week? I'm going to empty the room and strip out his carpet. The house has wood floors, and even unfinished the wood looks better than carpet. The plan is to get a small carpet for there...prolly at Target. (I love Target). The room is small and there is very little floor space so a small rug will cover it.

Dd's room needs serious intervention. Theres going to be insulation and a new roof just over her room, paint and wall to wall carpet, because her room is actually on a slab foundation.

Dinner(or maybe lunch?) is going to be pepper steak. I found a recipe once and dh said he loved it. SO I had all the ingredients, and decided to make it again.

Pepper steak:
2 green peppers
2 red peppers
deer steak(1 pkg, about 4 single servings)
1 jar Ragu meat flavored sauce
pasta or rice

Spray your crock with non stick spray. Chop peppers and onions, place in crock. Slice steak into strips, small enough to bite. Place in crock. Cover with Ragu, stir to combine. Cook on high for about 4 hours or low about 6-7 hours, or until meat and vegies are done. Serve over your favorite pasta or rice.

I'm going to watch this to see if I need to add more sauce. I have some WW Penne, that should be good with it. Ragu is pretty good for you now. The jar says it has a 1/3 cup vegies in every serving. My dd will try new foods, where as ds won't usually. For a kid who has sensory issues new foods pretty much make him gag. This sauce is a lifesaver, getting vegies in him.

In my cleaning binge the other day I threw away my grill. I had a Hamilton Beach. It was one where you could enclose the food or open it all the way and cook on both sides. The hinge on one end broke years ago, and the cover for the timer light disappeared somewhere in the back of the cabinet I'm sure. When I got it out to use it, it refused to heat. It hit the trash can quick before I could talk myself into asking my SIL to fix it. We got our money out of it, it was a smart purchase.

Well the dryer is done, and I need to think about breakfast. I can smell the peppers cooking away, YUM! The dogs should be wanting out, and the house should start to make noise again soon. Have a good Sunday everyone!

1 comment:

Donna B said...

I am glad you were able to enjoy the quiet!