Thursday, March 6, 2008

It feels like March

Just like its supposed to. :) We're looking at some cold weather, which is normal. It's nice to be normal. You think we will actually get the snow? The alleged snow is due sometime before Sunday. They keep saying its starting tonight, but then they say a lot of things. We have had some serious weather issues the last couple of years and I think this attitude of being hyper sensitive when the wind blows is almost justified.
Speaking of weather, did you practice the state wide tornado drill yesterday? Our siren went off twice. Once in the morning and once in the evening. I understand the need for it, however, I have one little bear who doesn't understand "practice". This drill upset him a great deal. Its for the greater good of the people in general. So that's a plus, and I'm glad the sirens work. They go off every Friday at noon for "practice" so the bears are used to that. Spring in Indiana means sirens. *Maybe one day*, weather won't bother him so much.

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