Sunday, July 20, 2008

Wait is a verb.

Did you realize that? I never even thought about it until today. Wait to me means, to sit, to watch, anything but be active.

I have found a church that keeps me engaged completely. I'm even enjoying Sunday School. Every week that we are there I find it harder and harder to not pay attention. We had stress last weekend and didn't reason was waking up late and the sermon was about Time. I didn't even hear the sermon and knew that's one I should have went to, even if we were late. Its amazing how when your heart is ready how easy it is to just sit and soak it all in.

So anyway.

Today's sermon was about Wait. We were reading Acts about the many times Jesus came to the apostles during the 40 days after he was crucified. He said to them, wait, and you will be babtised in teh Holy Spirit. They asked about when the kingdom would be given back to Israel, and he said, wait, only the Father knows the time and day. As he descended into Heaven in Acts 1:9 two angels appeared and asked them why they were standing there, looking into the sky. The answer was, Jesus said to wait. So they waited.
Our form of time and waiting is not the same as God's. The apostles didn't understand that wait didn't mean, just a second let me finish my sandwich and I'll get back to you. The pastor asked us what we were doing while we waited for Jesus's return. Are we making an impact in lives of those around us? Are we learning and studying and trying to improve? Or are we standing still watching the sky?
He also talked about, how he believes God will keep us waiting until he breaks us, for those of us that are too stubborn to follow God's lead.
How many times have we been waiting for years and years for something to improve or to flourish only to see that improvement only after we *finally* let God take the reins and steer the cart? Even if the route God chose for us didn't match the plan we so carefully laid out?
Wait, is a good thing. In the process of wait, we should be doing. While we are in college waiting for that dream job that will enable you to retire at 55 with full benefits and a paid for house, we learn patience and financial responsibility. While we wait for our children learn to walk and talk we learn about our own faults as we see a little mirror right in front of us. As we wait, we learn, grow, give and receive blessings. The pastor showed us a heart care commercial with two people on an escalator when it stops working..and they just stood there looking up yelling for help. They were waiting for someone to come fix the problem, instead of simply walking up the stairs. Who does that? Wait on a stalled escalator? In real life, when the chips are down, do we just sit there and wait for our ship to come in and bail us out or do we start digging with shovels blessed by God? While we wait for Jesus, what are we doing? Are you riding a stalled escalator or are you digging?